Friday, October 28, 2022

What Type of Approval is Required to Set up a Solar Power Plant in India?

 What Type of Approval is Required to Set up a Solar Power Plant in India?

  • Submitting the application form to DISCOM along with the application fee.
  • After reviewing the application, the authorities decided to give approval for the applied capacity of the solar plant.
  • In the next step, the rooftop owner registers for installing solar power plants with the required documents and makes the payment of registration charges. Here people also need to apply for the net metering facility for their solar plant.
  • Following this, the customer signs the connection agreement with DISCOM for the initiation of the installation process.
  • Once the installation of the solar plant completes, DISCOM officials evaluate the standard compliance and sanction the project.
  • After the feasibility analysis of the site from the local substation to ensure the ability of the grid to handle the power level of the solar power plant, people need to get a permission letter for power evacuation from the DISCOM.
  • Requirement of a land conversion certificate when using agricultural land. This certificate is necessary to prove that the land will no longer be used for agricultural purposes.
  • License for contract work issued by the labour department.
  • Approval for sewage treatment facilities.
  • Permit of the environment clearance by the pollution control board.
  • Fire department’s certificate of fire safety.
  • Clearance permit from the forest department.
  • Chief Electrical Inspector’s approval for project commissioning.
  • MNRE approval for the solar power project’s tax exemptions.

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