Showing posts with label Solar panel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Solar panel. Show all posts

Monday, May 2, 2022

Note these important factors that can affect solar panel performance

 Factors that can affect solar panel performance

Environment concerns and conscious consumption have been the talk of the hour in recent years. With this, we have particularly seen a growing demand for the renewable energy alternative of solar panels. The popularity of solar has led to many technological advancements in the sector with the promise of further continuous progress. Although this has increased the efficiency of solar panels, there are still certain interferences that need to be addressed.

Let’s understand some of the most prominent factors that affect the performance of a solar panel.


Since solar power is completely dependent on sunlight, it is often assumed that high temperatures might increase the efficiency of a solar panel. On the contrary, heat exposure increases the current but in turn, also decreases the voltage in the solar cells. An extreme spike in temperate can also prematurely damage the cells and reduce the life of its operation. There is a need to combat this hurdle, especially since the majority of sunlight that reaches solar panels does turn into heat. Managing the thermal conditions of the solar panels will help maintain the efficiency and the lifetime of these solar panels.


Any obstruction of light can hamper the performance of a solar panel. The cells that form a solar panel are usually interconnected through wires. Any cell that receives limited light due to shadows or shade falling over it will also affect the flow of current to the other cells. Planning the possibility of shade during the installation of the project can be an effective solution. Additionally, the foolproof alternative would be to avoid panels that are wired in connection to each other.


Every solar panel should be positioned in a direction that helps it capture the maximum amount of sunlight. Tilting the panels at a 30 or 40-degree angle ensures that the sunlight hits the panels at a perpendicular angle. This will produce the maximum amount of energy and help dust or snow slide off the panels during the winter. These angles should also be adjusted at times, according to the change in season or sunshine hours.


A clean solar panel surface is also a good way to ensure the conversion of photoelectric power. elements like pollution, dust, rainfall, sand, and snow can reduce efficiency. Frequent cleaning should be conducted and timed as per the situation when there is minimal interference. Solar panels that are cleaned annually or bi-annually will usually produce 3.5% and 5.1% more power.


Light being reflected away from the solar panel’s surface can also decrease its efficiency. This justifies the need for cells created with materials that do not have a reflection in them. Untreated silicon, for instance, reflects over 30% of incident light. Treating the materials with an anti-reflection coating or creating a textured surface helps to decrease these reflections. A good indication of high-efficiency cells is that they will appear either black or dark blue.

On reflection, it is clear that all of these factors can be managed with robust operations and management functions. Renowned solar power companies such as Sterling & Wilson Renewable Energy assist with the operations and management of solar power plants by meticulously caring for their useful life, maximizing profitability, streamlining the performance and availability, and minimizing their consumption and operating costs.

Originally published at on May 2, 2022.

Saturday, December 19, 2020

Keeping Your Solar Panels Clean

Like all good technologies, solar power systems require periodic maintenance to ensure optimal performance. Fortunately, it takes little effort to maintain a quality installation. And these systems actually demand very little attention to do their job well. One of the easiest ways to keep your solar power system up and running is simply to clean it. What's more, periodic rain does the job for you for a good portion of the year.

Having said that, it doesn't hurt to give your system a quick run through to know that you have done your part.

So how do you keep your Sterling and Wilson Solar power system in its best shape? Let's find out:

While a mild layer of dust and dirt doesn't noticeably affect performance, over time, these elements could build-up to prevent your system from fully exploiting the incident sunlight. Dirt, dust, leaves, pollen, ash and waste from birds and insects can slowly create an optical barrier. The good news is, it takes little to bring your panels back to their shiny best state.

Ideally, it is recommended to hire an expert, who know how to avoid scratching the panels or accidentally breaking something lose that could void the warranty. Even without an expert, the job isn't all that hard if you follow some basic precautionary measures. All you need is a soft bristle brush attached to a long handle and you're usually good to go. A high-power water spray can do the trick too, if you have one on hand. Just remember to turn the solar power system off before you begin and be sure to have a firm footing on a solid floor to avoid any unforeseen incidents. 

A good quality system will do just fine with these measures and deliver good output during its lifetime. And you can always rely on our expertise for anything beyond your capabilities or reach.

At Sterling and Wilson Solar, we look after our customers’ assets like our own, meticulously caring and streamlining to minimize consumption and operating costs. Using state-of-the-art computerized maintenance and management systems, as well as mechanized and robotic cleaning, we ensure end-to-end solar plant operation and maintenance solutions on both DC & AC side, inclusive of scheduled corrective, preventive and predictive maintenance.

Friday, June 19, 2020

What are the advantages and disadvantages of solar energy

Installing a solar panel system is a great move, given the shift towards sustainable energy in the last few years. Also, it is a cheaper option once you get to understand it fully, although there are many details to go over when choosing this option. You must have done your share of solar surveys, watched those ads about how solar energy is better for you. Yet, to be fully convinced about it needs proper pros and cons approach.
Below are some of the pros and cons of solar energy:
While solar is a great option, keeping in mind what it entails is a good start. Some common benefits and drawbacks that come with solar installation are that while it gives you a lower electricity bill but it doesn’t necessarily work for every roof type. Another point is that while it improves your home value, it’s not entirely ideal when you’re about to move. A reduced carbon footprint comes with expensive panels and lower electricity costs mean lower savings.
Even as there are many benefits of solar energy, some top important ones to bear in mind are as follows:
1. Reduces or eliminates your electric bills
With an installed solar panel at your home, your electricity generation becomes less and reduces your monthly electric bill. Also, a solar panel’s lifespan is around 25–35 years which means that your electricity costs are lower for decades by going solar.
2. Your home value increases
It is a hidden market insight that the value of your home increases after solar is installed. So, effectively you are in a profitable position with solar even with a little extra cost.
3. Helps you manage rising energy costs
Higher electricity bills lead to anxiety in homeowners as it is mostly out of their control. And while the cost of solar has decreased with time, the cost of electricity has risen significantly. So going solar helps you gain some control over your electricity spending and manage costs.
4. Reduces carbon emissions
Solar is a clean, renewable source of energy that can help reduce carbon dioxide emissions and lower our carbon footprint on nature. Unlike traditional fossil fuels like coal and oil, solar energy does not lead directly to pollution.
So then what are the disadvantages of going solar?
Below are some things to keep in mind when considering solar:
1. Solar panels don’t work for every type of roof
Some roofing materials can be difficult for solar installers to work with, making it difficult for solar to be installed. Also, many homes and apartments have skylights or other rooftop additions like roof decks that can make the solar installation process difficult or costly.
2. It isn’t beneficial if you’re about to move
While it is a great financial investment, if you’re thinking of moving, then the investment might not get you anything in return except costly installations.
3. Lower your electricity costs, lower your solar savings
This means that if you have a sizable electricity bill, then going solar makes sense as it will lead to higher savings. But if your electricity bill is small, to begin with, then the savings are lower too.

What is the Main Purpose of a Solar Panel System and How Does It Work?

Source — Wikimedia.Org
For as long as there has been innovation, we have looked to the brightest and biggest burning star in our galaxy for support. The most common modern-day application of the Sun’s resources comes in the form of solar energy.
Electricity is one of the most copiously consumed resources and solar energy is eternally abundant. Therefore, the conversion of sunlight into consumable electricity is an excellent renewable energy source. This process is facilitated entirely by the solar panel system. A solar energy generator is one of the most efficient and resourceful renewable energy sources currently available.
The main purpose of using a solar energy system is to create electricity through a reliable and inexhaustible source at various locations. This includes remote areas that participate in off-grid living or even homes and offices that choose the solar option in order to reduce their impact on the environment.
Solar generators are quite evidently a more conscious way to create energy since they eliminate the need to consume other limited resources like fossil fuels.
In order to further establish why the solar energy system is such a valuable set-up, we need to understand how solar panels work.
Here’s how a solar company’s generator or a private solar panel system works:
- A solar panel is a network of several individual solar cells that can convert light directly into electricity.
- Each solar cell is composed of layers of silicon which absorb the light from the sun and conductors that contain phosphorus that provides a negative charge, and boron that provides a positive charge.
- Together the cells in the solar panel system convert the sunlight that they receive into Direct Current (DC) electricity through a process called the Photovoltaic Effect.
- The DC electricity that is generated then flows into an inverter that converts it into Alternating Current (AC) electrical power.
- The AC electricity is the energy consumed by the electronic devices and appliances that are connected to the solar energy system.
- The electrical energy that is not consumed immediately can also be stored in the solar generator which allows it to be a steady source of electricity even in the absence of sunlight.
The networks that form these solar panel systems are often as sizable as the output of the electricity that is required. However, as new technologies and materials are being tested for solar energy generation, the output of solar panels will continue to increase. This means that more compact and more powerful solar energy systems are emerging all the time.