Showing posts with label solar power plants. Show all posts
Showing posts with label solar power plants. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

What’s the difference between Thermal Power Plants and Solar Power Plants?

 What’s the difference between Thermal Power Plants and Solar Power Plants?

To understand these energy sources, let’s take a look at the differences between Thermal Power Plants and Solar Power Plants.

Thermal Power Plants

The process goes as follows:

  • The heat obtained from burning fuel is used to convert water into steam.
  • The steam, at high heat and pressure then rotates turbine blades.
  • These blades are part of the shaft which is connected to the generator.
  • The generator converts the energy obtained from the movement of the turbine into electric energy.

Solar Power Plants

The process goes as follows:

  1. The individual solar cells that make up an entire solar panel absorb the light from the sun.
  2. These cells convert the sunlight into Direct Current (DC) electricity through a process called the Photovoltaic Effect.
  3. The DC electricity then flows into an inverter that converts it into Alternating Current (AC) electrical power.
  4. AC electricity is the energy consumed by electronic devices and appliances that are connected to the solar energy system.

Thursday, December 16, 2021

What are the different types of solar power plants?

What are the different types of solar power plants?

Solar energy has already made its place as a mainstay in the path towards building sustainable communities. While the industry is constantly innovating and evolving the way solar power is generated, there are three broad types of solar power plants that one can choose from.

Grid Connected Solar Power Plant

Grid connected Solar Power Plant
Grid Solar Power Plant

These solar power plants are connected to a shared utility grid in areas where this regular power supply is available. These systems are set up so that any excess energy that is not consumed is sent to the utility, giving the owner credit on their electricity bill or even paying the owner depending on the state laws.

This is therefore an extremely cost-effective source of electricity since it reduces the burden of electricity bills while also having minimal maintenance costs. The setup of these systems is also affordable compared to other solar options since it requires fewer components. It is the most popular type of solar plant for its high efficiency as well since it is dependent on the grid. However, this grid dependence also means that there might not be a backup of electricity for usage in times of a power outage.

Off-Grid / Standalone Solar Power Plant

Off-Grid  Standalone Solar Power Plant
Off-Grid / Standalone Solar Power Plant

As a completely independent system, these solar power plants store all the power that is not being used in battery banks. They are not connected to a grid which is convenient in areas with frequent power outages. The backup power stored in the battery banks is also useful for areas with low sunlight.

The convenience of these batteries that need to be purchased also means additional costs with limited life and the need for maintenance. This means that even though this type of solar power is the perfect solution to regular power cuts and low sunlight, it also comes at a higher price than grid-based systems.

Hybrid Solar Power Plant

Hybrid Solar Power Plant
Hybrid Solar Power Plant

This type of solar plant offers the best of both worlds with access to the grid as well as a battery backup. This completely eliminates the possibility of having no access to electricity.

The battery setup in these systems is installed based on the requirements of the owner while the grid part is also available through an electricity provider. The batteries require a higher cost for set and maintenance but it is made up in terms of the extra energy that is exchanged with the utility company.

Originally published at on December 16, 2021.