Friday, June 19, 2020

What is Hybrid Energy Storage System?

Energy, or rather electricity is not only required at that moment. What if we need that energy at a later stage? How do we tap into that energy or store it for future use?
The process of hybrid energy storage systems is working towards solving this for us, wherein, in the future, we will not only be using electricity at a moment but storing it for future consumption. In fact, instead of storing it in large-scale centralized systems, this energy will be stored in decentralized storage systems in people’s homes, in the form of lithium batteries or storing the electricity in intelligent appliances. The concept of hybrid storage encompasses the production of both electricity and heat.
We all know that these sources of energy like wind and sun, the renewable energy sources produce energy in bulk, which can be stored for future consumption if we have the right technology. With a strong solar and wind hybrid system in place, we can harness this future-energy in the present and consume it at a later stage.
The way to store this excess energy is revolutionary in the sense that it won’t be stored in a central system but rather in multiple small storage units in consumer’s homes in the form of lithium batteries. Since this energy is centrally-controlled, they generate or consume electricity as per the demand which is customized. A good example of this is the CHP unit in basements, wherein, if the temperature in the house is too low, it switches on and produces heat which flows through the heat radiators installed in the home.

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